Friday, February 12, 2016

I love you Angry Orchard

Angry Orchard is awesome and it's the only alcohol I really ever drink (besides Tequila...). I'm proud of it and I don't care when people say it's just apple juice. It's MY kind of apple juice.

Anyways, I did notice the change when they went from twist tops to having to use a bottle opener. How did I notice? Simple. I used my hand to open the twist top and said "OUCH" when I couldn't open it.

Being the loyal and concerned Angry Orchard citizen that I am, I finally decided to email them and ask why. Here was there was response:

(click image above for a better view)

1 word, 1 punctuation mark: AWESOME!

I'll update this blog when I get the bottle opener in, just so you guys know it's for real.

~* U P D A T E *~
So I got in the bottle opener a couple days ago and it's awesome! :)

Thanks for reading,

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