Sunday, February 15, 2015

Trader Joes Valentine's Day Adventure!

I finally was able to make it out to Trader Joes yesterday with the hubby and we had a blast shopping in there. Not only do they have a great variety of healthy choices, they offer awesome prices to go with it! We walked out with a bunch of food to last us a good long while for about $62, SCORE! This is also including the $6.99 insulated cooler bag we bought in blue that was ENORMOUS so we could just leave our groceries in the car for the rest of the day (works perfectly!)

If you ever have the chance to go to Trader Joes, they have a ready-made food in the refrigerated sections along the wall where the vegetables are, organic vegetables, craft beers, etc. There's just too much to name! AND the packaging on this stuff! Amazing. Even their advertising signs throughout the store are great. 

Last, but not least, I FINALLY bought some Cookie Butter. HOLY MOLY serious mouthgasm. MUST TRY. They have a few different varieties, but we just chose to get the regular one. Now they even have the sandwich cookies made with the cookie butter as well!!!


Here's a link to their website: Trader Joes


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